Springdale/PUIAS Engineering and Scientific Addons
Springdale/PUIAS additional packages for performing mathematical and scientific computations and plotting, as well as unit conversion.
- LASPack - LASPack is a package for solving large sparse systems of linear equations like those which arise from the discretization of partial differential equations.
- Macaulay2 - System for algebraic geometry and commutative algebra
- MixKit - MixKit Software Library for surface modelling and simplification algorithms
- QSlim - QSlim and other applications from SlimKit collection of surface modelling tools
- R - A language for data analysis and graphics
- R-devel - Full R development environment metapackage
- asymptote - Descriptive vector graphics language
- atlas - Automatically Tuned Linear Algebra Software
- atlas-devel - Development libraries for ATLAS
- blacs - Basic Linear Algebra Communication Subprograms
- blacs-devel - Development libraries for blacs
- blitz++ - C++ Template Library providing array objects for Scientific Computing
- cln - Class Library for Numbers
- cln-devel - Development files for programs using the CLN library
- dstool-tk - A Dynamical Systems Toolkit (Tcl/Tk Version)
- factory-devel - C++ class library for multivariate polynomial data
- fftw-devel - Headers, libraries and docs for the FFTW library
- fftw2-devel - Headers, libraries and docs for the FFTW library
- geomview - Interactive 3D viewing program
- geomview-devel - Development files for geomview
- ginac - C++ library for symbolic calculations
- ginac-devel - GiNaC development libraries and header files
- ginac-utils - GiNaC-related utilities
- glpk-devel - Development headers and files for GLPK
- glpk-utils - GLPK-related utilities and examples
- gp2c - The GP to C compiler translates GP scripts to PARI programs.
- grace - Numerical Data Processing and Visualization Tool
- grace-devel - Files needed for grace development
- graphviz - Graph Visualization Tools
- growi - A computer program for the calculation of Gromov-Witten invariants
- gtkmathview - A MathML rendering library
- gtkmathview-devel - Support files necessary to compile applications using gtkmathview
- hdf - A general purpose library and file format for storing scientific data
- hdf-devel - HDF development files
- hdf5 - A general purpose library and file format for storing scientific data
- hdf5-devel - HDF5 development files
- libRmath-devel - Headers from the R Standalone math library
- libdap - The C++ DAP2 library from OPeNDAP
- libdap-devel - Development and header files from libdap
- libfac-devel - An extension to Singular-factory
- libgfx - Simple graphics library
- libnc-dap - The NetCDF interface to DAP-2 from OPeNDAP
- libnc-dap-devel - Development files and header files from libnc-dap
- ncarg - A Fortran and C based software package for scientific visualization
- ncarg-devel - A Fortran and C based software package for scientific visualization
- ncview - A visual browser for netCDF format files
- netcdf - Libraries for the Unidata network Common Data Form (NetCDF v3)
- netcdf-devel - Development files for netcdf-3
- ntl-devel - High-performance algorithms for vectors, matrices, and polynomials
- numpy - A fast multidimensional array facility for Python
- octave - A high-level language for numerical computations
- octave-devel - Development headers and files for Octave
- octave-forge - Contributed functions for octave
- pari - Number Theory-oriented Computer Algebra System
- pari-devel - Header files and libraries for PARI development
- pari-emacs - Emacs mode for PARI/GP
- plotutils - GNU vector and raster graphics utilities and libraries
- plotutils-devel - Headers for developing programs that will use plotutils
- python-matplotlib - Python plotting library
- python-matplotlib-tk - Tk backend for python-matplotlib
- python-numarray - Python array manipulation and computational library
- qhull - General dimension convex hull programs
- qhull-devel - Development files for qhull
- scalapack - A subset of LAPACK routines redesigned for heterogenous computing
- scalapack-devel - Development libraries for scalapack
- suitesparse - A collection of sparse matrix libraries
- suitesparse-devel - Development headers for SuiteSparse
- udunits - A library for manipulating units of physical quantities
- udunits-devel - Headers and libraries for udunits
- vis5d+ - A free volumetric rendering program based on Vis5d
- vis5d+-examples - Example maps and data for Vis5D+
- xppaut - XPPAUT the differential equations tool