PUIAS Penguin

Letter Q

qcairo - A 2D graphics library

Website: http://cairographics.org
License: LGPLv2 or MPLv1.1
This is a version of the cairo 2D graphics library, with additional
features required to support the implementation of the spice protocol.

Cairo is a 2D graphics library designed to provide high-quality display
and print output. Currently supported output targets include the X Window
System, OpenGL (via glitz), in-memory image buffers, and image files (PDF,
PostScript, and SVG).

Cairo is designed to produce consistent output on all output media while
taking advantage of display hardware acceleration when available (e.g.
through the X Render Extension or OpenGL).


qcairo- [504 KiB] Changelog by Soren Sandmann (2009-04-23):
- Add a paragraph to the description indicating that this is not
  the normal cairo.

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.5-1.el6