- Django - A high-level Python Web framework
- babel - Tools for internationalizing Python applications
- clisp - ANSI Common Lisp implementation
- fpc - Free Pascal Compiler
- fpc-docs - Free Pascal Compiler - Documentation
- js - JavaScript interpreter
- lua - Powerful light-weight programming language
- php-mhash - mhash extension module for PHP
- php-pear-Crypt-CHAP - Class to generate CHAP packets
- php-pecl-geoip - Extension to map IP addresses to geographic places
- php-pecl-json - JSON is a PHP extension for JavaScript Object Notation
- python-babel - Library for internationalizing Python applications
- python-docutils - A system for processing plaintext documentation
- python-feedparser - Parse RSS and Atom feeds in Python
- python-genshi - Toolkit for stream-based generation of output for the web
- python-jinja2 - General purpose template engine
- python-nose - A discovery-based unittest extension for Python
- python-setuptools - Download, build, install, upgrade, and uninstall Python packages
- python-sqlite2 - DB-API 2.0 interface for SQLite 3.x
- ruby-augeas - Ruby bindings for Augeas
- ruby-fam - Gamin/FAM bindings for Ruby
- ruby-ldap - Ruby LDAP libraries
- ruby-mysql - A Ruby interface to MySQL
- ruby-rpm - Ruby bindings for RPM
- rubygem-actionmailer - Service layer for easy email delivery and testing
- rubygem-actionpack - Web-flow and rendering framework putting the VC in MVC
- rubygem-activeldap - Ruby/ActiveLdap is a object-oriented API to LDAP
- rubygem-activerecord - Implements the ActiveRecord pattern for ORM
- rubygem-activeresource - Active Record for web resources
- rubygem-activesupport - Support and utility classes used by the Rails framework
- rubygem-daemons - A toolkit to create and control daemons in different ways
- rubygem-fastthread - Optimized replacement for thread.rb primitives
- rubygem-rails - Web-application framework
- rubygem-rake - Ruby based make-like utility
- spambayes - Bayesian anti-spam filter
- wxPython - GUI toolkit for the Python programming language