Custom Query (31 matches)


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Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#13 thomas prentice@… fixed akmods-0.3.6-3 requires kmodtool >= 1-9

Another dependency error when installing:

akmods-0.3.6-3.puias6.noarch requires kmodtool >= 1-9

Searching my local mirror, the only kmodtool RPMs I can find are in the buildsys directory for puias 6.

Searching from the root of my local PUIAS mirror:

$ find . -name \*kmodtool\* ./buildsys/6/os/SRPMS/kmodtool-1-18.el6.src.rpm ./buildsys/6/os/i386/kmodtool-1-18.el6.noarch.rpm ./buildsys/6/os/x86_64/kmodtool-1-18.el6.noarch.rpm

$ pwd /work/sysadmin/software/PU_IAS/PU_IAS


#14 thomas prentice@… fixed firstaidkit-gui- requires firstaidkit-

Another dependency error during installation. This is for an x86_64 install:

firstaidkit-gui- requires firstaidkit =

Searching my local mirror for firstaidkit:

$ find . -name \*firstaidkit-0.2\* ./6.0/i386/os/Packages/firstaidkit-0.2.10-4.el6.i686.rpm ./6.0/source/os/firstaidkit-0.2.10-4.el6.src.rpm ./6.0/x86_64/os/Packages/firstaidkit-0.2.10-4.el6.x86_64.rpm ./updates/6.0/en/os/SRPMS/firstaidkit- ./updates/6.0/en/os/i386/firstaidkit-

The correct version exists in updates for i386 and SRPMS, but not x86_64.

Also, the newer version of firstaidkit-gui exists for i386 and x86_64, in Updates, but there's no SRPM for it:

$ find . -name \*firstaidkit-gui\* ./6.0/i386/os/Packages/firstaidkit-gui-0.2.10-4.el6.noarch.rpm ./6.0/x86_64/os/Packages/firstaidkit-gui-0.2.10-4.el6.noarch.rpm ./updates/6.0/en/os/i386/firstaidkit-gui- ./updates/6.0/en/os/x86_64/firstaidkit-gui-

#15 thomas prentice@… fixed fvwm-2.5.30-2.puias6.x86_64 requires lockmore

Dependency error when installing in x86_64:

fvwm-2.5.30-2.puias6.x86_64 requires lockmore

I can't find a package named lockmore in my local mirror at all.


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