Custom Query (31 matches)


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Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#12 thomas prentice@… fixed xcreensaver-base require 5.12-7 requires xorg-x11-resutils error

During a manual install, I select "IAS Workstation" then choose "Customize Now..." to customize package selection. I check off a lot of different packages. Then when I go to install, I get this error:

1:xcreensaver-base.puias6.x86_64 require 5.12-7 requires xorg-x11-resutils

I check my local mirror of puias, and there is no xorg-x11-resutils package for puias6.

Either xorg-x11-resutils is missing, or the dependencies for xscreensaver-base are incorrect.


#17 thomas prentice@… fixed package group unsupported-base doesn't have a "name"

The package group with id unsupported-base does not have a "normal" name, so it just appears in the output of 'yum grouplist' as a blank line unless the -v switch is used:

# yum grouplist ... Available Groups:

Additional Development


# yum grouplist -v ... Available Groups:


Additional Development (additional-devel)


#277 thomas anonymous fixed rh-python36 packages are missing

rh-python36 was also released for el6:

Just wondering: is this an oversight or on purpose?

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