The root is called /data * puias * 1 - symlink to latest version of 1 * 1WS - symlink to latest version of 1WS * en * os * arch (i386|x86_64) * dosutils - utilities to create boot floppies in dos, or boot linux from dos * headers - up2date header files * images - boot images * pxeboot - pxe boot files * isolinux - boot iso files * !RedHat * base - install images * RPMS - packages * repodata * 2 - symlink to latest version of 2 * 2cluster - symlink to latest version of 2cluster * 2WS - symlink to latest version of 2WS * en * os * arch (i386|x86_64) * headers - up2date header files * images boot images * pxeboot - pxe boot files * xen - xen boot files * isolinux - boot iso files * puias * base - install images * RPMS - packages * repodata - YUM repository * 5 - symlink to latest version of 5 * * 6 - symlink to latest version of 6 * buildsys - packages used to build the distro * computational - super computing and cluster packages * local - deprecated, original location of versions 1 and 2 * RHDirServ - Red Hat® Directory Server * RHEIPA - Red Hat® Enterprise IPA (Identity, Policy, Audit) * testing - rawhide * unsupported - tested but possibly not maintained packages * unsupported-vt - deprecated - use kvm built into 5.5 and 6 * updates * WAS - Red Hat® WAS (Application Stack) * !RedHat * epel