
First download rpms. Next rebuild them. Move all of the rebuilt stuff into /data/done-local5/staging-signing.

Sign above rpms. su to distrib on polo or rabbit, copy relevant rpms from /data/done-local5/staging-signing to /data/done-local5/staging then run from tools dir


to see what will happen. If all looks good then run

./ -a -r

which will apply changes (-a) and remove (-r) all rpms that it filed away and only leave the ones it doesn't know what to do about.

[distrib@vw doc]$ cat 5-build-install-images.doc 
./buildinstall --version 5 --product "PU_IAS Linux" --release "PU_IAS Linux 5" --prodpath Client --discs 1,2,3,4,5,6 /data/PU_IAS/5/en/os/i386
# for 5.1 (note that we can do this on x86_64 for i386!), no need for --discs command
./buildinstall --version 5.1 --product 'PU_IAS Linux' --release 'PU_IAS Linux 5.1' --prodpath Client /data/PU_IAS/5.1/en/os/i386
Last modified 15 years ago Last modified on Aug 4, 2010 8:52:23 AM